On the academics side - I've had 3 classes throughout this month:
- Competitive Strategy/Global Strategic Management
- South Asia Area History
- Hindi Language Classes
But the BIG decision is how you'll trade off the academics with the endless number of social activities. Off the top of my head I think I've attended the following in the last 3 weeks:
- 3G Party - 3 generations of Lauder students partying until 4 AM
- 1G Party - just our Lauder generation - also partying until 4 AM
- BRIC dinner - somehow the Brazilians never got the invite for this! :(
- A minority tracks dinner - to get back at the Chinese track!
- Entrepreneurship dinner at Zaffron (owned by a fellow Lauder classmate)
- Entrepreneurship dinner II
- Hangover 2 night
- A party before going to NYC
- A party in NYC
- A party for coming back from NYC
- A party because we hadn't had a party in 2 days
So that's basically what happens when you put 70 of the most international and vastly diverse group of students together. It all adds up to one big family, known as Lauder LOVE!