Woke up at 5:00 AM in the morning. Got the hospital just before 7:00 AM. They checked my vitals and I was fit for surgery! Then they made me wait around for an hour, gave me my robe, more waiting and finally at about 8:45 AM, I waved goodbye to my Dad and in I went on my stretcher.
Then they made me wait a little more in the hallway. My surgeon came by and told me he would have to do a multi-piece surgery and have to widen my upper jaw by 1 cm. I guess that's a lot! He also mentioned I would have a plastic splint in my mouth for 4-5 weeks. I wasn't thrilled about that!
I agreed but that's when it hit me. I was about to get my jaw sawed into pieces and have it re-screwed together again. Yikes! What if something went wrong? I would look like a freakshow! Or even worse, what if I woke up mid-way through it?!? Fortunately none of that happened... but at that point I just wanted them to give me the anesthesia and knock me out.
Oh yeah, and to make things worse, I heard the nurses talking about some equipment not working in OR 4. I figured as long as I wasn't in OR 4, I was ok. Then I got wheeled in... to OR 4!!!
They hooked up the IV, started giving me the anesthesia and I no longer had a care in the world. The last thing I remember telling the nurses was I would love to take a vacation to Greece and meet all kinds of attractive women. I'm sure they had a chuckle!
3-4 hours later, I woke up. I remember feeling better than I expected. I had my face wrapped in an ice-pack, a tube to drain blood from my nose and an oxygen mask on my face. The person beside me was groaning and moaning in pain. I couldn't turn my head to see what was going on and they wheeled me out as soon as I woke up so I didn't get to find out either.

They moved me to a Constant Observation Unit (COU), which is kind of like ICU but for patients that aren't as critical - I just needed to be watched in case I had trouble breathing due to nasal congestion and the like. The rest of the day was spent sleeping. I have recollections of my Dad and my surgeon coming by. I gave them the thumbs up and tried mumbling to them but that's really all there was to the rest of the day.